Personal Protection Dogs, Family Protection Dogs and Home Guard Dogs, Supplied by the UK's Oldest and Ultimate Protection Dog Training Company
These Highly Trained Personal Protection Dogs which often double as a trusted Family Pets and K9 Companions are Ever Vigilant, Loyal & Incredibly Effective!
Personal Protection Dog UK specialises in the supply and training of personal protection dogs for both private and corporate clients,backed by 18 years experience of supplying highly trained Personal and family protection dogs to customers both within the UK and Europe andto many other locations around the world. We have in fact supplied trained personal protection dogs to clients in 34 countries worldwide!
Why are we training and supplying Personal Protection Dogs you might ask and why is there such a demand?
Unfortunately society is changing and not necessarily for the better, looking back twenty five years it was quite common place for people to pop out and leave doors unlocked and windows open. People felt safe walking down the street, going for a jog in the park or taking a walk in the countryside and in the majority of cases they would be allowed to go about their daily pursuits without fear of being targeted by a criminal element.
Burglary, muggings and violent crime visited on individuals both inside and outside their homes has over the years increased, this being backed up by statistics stating that an average family living in the UK now has a one in six chance of being a victim of crime. Interestingly released crime figures for 2007/8 showed that 20% of all reported crime involves violence against the person.
In years past, someone burglaring your house and helping themself to your wordly possessions if disturbed would probably have run for fear of being caught. Sadly nowadays, the individual would probably challenge you and all too often it will be with a weapon.
As a direct result people are feeling more and more threatened by rising crime and the world is getting increasingly security conscious. A numberof our clients have fallen foul of thieves who have actually entered their houses and challenged them with weapons demanding to be given the keys to the cars and to be shown the location of other valuables.
Kidnapping, which was an act rarely reported previously is now becoming more widespread as criminal gangs try to think of differnt ways to extract and extort money from victims, so is it any wonder that a growing number of people are now choosing to have a trained personal protection dog to keep themselves and their families safe.
Please CLICK HERE to see a selection of Personal and Family Protection dogs for sale. Our Personal Protection Dogs are from both imported and UK origin and professionally trained to ensure yours and your family's protection.
Family Protection Dogs - Is a trained dog the answer?
Well trained personal protection dogs and family protection dogs are certainly a tangible asset in today's world to deter and discourage the bad people who live in our society and to provide a counter balance to empower those who just wish to live a peaceful life enjoying the fruits of their labors without living in fear of crime.
Many people have busy life styles and well trained family protection dogs can handle this and will integrate with their owners routine. Large numbers of the dogs that we supply accompany their owners to the office and several regularly do the school run with mum.
A well socialised trained Personal Protection Dog of the type and calibre that we supply is firstly a loyal and obedient family pet but through it's intense training it is also taught to fearlessly protect those in its charge from potentially threatening situations.
With one of our trained family protection dogs, there are no wires to cut, no foaming up alarm boxes and bypassing security systems; what you get is a K9 friend and companion providing an unparalleled level of protection for yourself and your family - 24/7 security with fur giving you the peace of mind you and your family deserve.
It is an undisputed fact that criminals prefer not to tangle with dogs. As a generalisation, most dogs, big and small will sound the alarm by barking when they feel that their territory is being invaded by unknown individuals, however, many pet dogs will at this point back off if they continue to be challenged.
Our trained protection dogs, when confronted with a persistent threat respond with an increased display of controlled aggression which is normally enough to put off even the most determined of criminals. They are not however, all bluff and bluster and they have through teir intense training, got the necessary skills to deal with the most violent of individuals.
Many police officers would agree that the hooligan element of society may fancy their chances taking on a police officer or security guard but not many wish to tangle with the sharp end of a trained protection dog.
Whilst trained family protection dogs will undoubtedly provide you with highly tangible home security, your payment for this is not purely financial, it is not just the purchase price and the cost of feeding and maintaining your canine companion.
Your protection dog will require from you an investment of time to walk him, to play with him and to involve you in his life in the same way as he will want to be involved in yours; a truly small price to pay for the many years of enjoyment, companionship and loyalty, not to mention the unrivalled protection that he will provide.
If you would like to discuss purchasing one of our trained protection dogs please do not hesitate to contact us on
+44 (0) 1792 883395 or +44 (0) 7444 234500
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